
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Nova Scotia, Summer 2009

Sigh . . .

Monday, February 15, 2010

Slight cardiac ache on a peaceful subway

Your heart has a charge and I think the word eons
but mean the word ions. I'm thinking to meditate
on the right particles or valence or molecules.
It's funny the language I don't know about myself.

One time in Philadelphia, they sent me to the machine;
they read the tape and I was fine, except for one of the more
common arrhythmias. A lovely word. "Meet
my daughter, Arrhythmia."

People get on at 42nd, but not so many I have to shift
in my seat and clamp my elbows in. I'm thinking, To breathe,
and certain things I quietly delight in-- a young and lovely
black woman in '20s era dress; the calm and deliberate way

the woman across reads a gossip magazine, the dignity
of her posture; and, earlier, a young man reaching
across a puddle of slush to steady an old woman.
My heart in there sending out waves and eons.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Saturday, Early February, 12:14 p.m.

The expected snow never came. You might say I'm only happy when I'm with you or when I see a funny dog or think about kittens or California or the South Seas and Pippi Longstocking. I woke up wondering if your forehead was made of diamonds and if you still hated me for hating "Myth Busters," and I let you make the coffee very strong. Then you stretched up and curled your arms around like a kung fu monk and walked out of the room. I can still hear you in there. You are expanding yourself and taking big breaths.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Initial thinking (for team review only)

1. Build some time in.
2. Cost per use.
3. Some other instrument or medium I can't describe. Something like a loom and a piano, a Mr. Microphone and a harp.
4. Pay attention to the voice-over.
5. Volunteers across all five boroughs.
6. Meaning is a shaky edifice.
7. A festival. Pieces of tin on our outfits; in our hair and teeth, stars.
8. On the subway stairs, vision of (a) cattle car and (b) melting ego.
9. Sliding the tiles around for the proper effect.
10. If you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it.