Mothertruckin' essay

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I am pleased to have an essay on motherhood featured over at Rattle & Pen.  Many thanks to the editor.  I am in some great company over there! 

Text from Mom: "Never defy a witch."

Monday, September 16, 2013

(It wasn't directed at me.  She was referring to using her mind powers to get a flight canceled when she didn't want to travel.  Once when she was younger she said, "I'm going to make that streetlight go out," then pointed at it, and it went dark.  So.  You know.) 

Publication news

Monday, September 02, 2013

I'm pleased to announce that my second full-length book, What Is a Domicile, will be published by Noctuary Press in spring 2014!  I love the mission of this press, and I'm very excited to be working with them.  (My first full-length book, from Brooklyn Arts Press, will appear in early 2014.)

And in chapbook news my collaborative chapbook with Todd Colby, I'm Glad I Know You, is now up online as the first digital publication from Poetry Crush.  Yay!

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