Seven Facts about Roses

Thursday, March 23, 2017

1. In Salisbury, NC when I was a kid there was a discount store called Roses.  I think it was near Bob's Big Boy.  One time my uncle John took me to the Bob's Big Boy and cut up my spaghetti for me.  I liked how he went out of his way to take me places and let me know I was loved, but I questioned his spaghetti technique.

2.  A dear friend I know from the computer sent me a care package a few weeks ago-- tea from the farm of a Catholic witch; a rose oil candle to bring out my inner saint; some peppermint oil to wake me up.  It's nice when we can all take turns caring for each other.  Enough to go to the post office, even!

3.  The rose candle is burning now.  It's Reiki charged.  This morning my four-year-old took it off my dresser, then saw me open my eyes to see what he was doing.  Without my glasses on, I couldn't tell what he had until he brought it over, saying, "Here, smell this."

4.  Rose-scented products make me think of my mother, and for some reason I have found them especially comforting since the election.  First, I bought myself some rose-scented hand lotion on sale, in a shaky "I-can-still-buy-myself-rose-scented-hand-lotion" gesture.  Then I received this candle.  "If we share this nightmare/ Then we can dream Spiritus mundi."  The Police said that.

5.  Life can be traced in a history of doodles.  Sometime around seventh grade, a rose doodle, which I can't remember how to draw now.  Around eighth or ninth grade, I learned how make a high-heeled shoe.  By tenth grade, a face with squinched-up eyes and Robert Smith hair.

6.  I have found myself unable to commit to growing flowers.  People born in late June are supposed to be homebodies and flower growers, but I keep moving house.  I may look into some plants for spring, but roses will have to wait a bit longer.

7.  On a whim, I Googled "Joan of Arc rose."  According to the Antique Rose Emporium,
Jeanne dArc is a dainty but vigorous rose with semi-double, pure white flowers borne in clusters. Like all Noisettes, it betrays its Musk ancestry by a grand fall display and a strong fragrance. Attractive red hips often appear at the same time as the flowers. It is best used as a pillar so that the flowers may be readily seen, or it can be grown as a free-standing bush. Wherever it is planted, Jeanne dArc will create an almost perpetual display of Southern beauty.  OK, then.  

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