Down by the Riverside

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

by Joanna Penn Cooper and Todd Colby

It is a vulgar error to assume the things you see there
were put in the mud just for you.  You'll be dead soon
enough, and you can think about it then, how a certain
percentage of the population walks around reading
your mind like it was an ad for laser surgery on the A train.
I won't even mention the ghosts who wait for you outside
the bathrooms of historic homes, but I just did so: there
are ghosts outside bathrooms of historic homes waiting
just for you. Go to them but come to me first: I have the drugs,
the good ones for your alienation. But don't be alarmed, you
have the option of paying a different fee, like joining a cult
to help you with your thinking or playing the hero and feeling
your feelings all the time. But I digress; in fact, I'll be frank
and positive. I'll be so frank and positive it will mildly terrify
the people around me who don't quite see things my way.
That's what the river is for: wrapping my friends
in light gauze and tossing them into the water.


  1. You two! So great!

  2. "I won't even mention the ghosts who wait for you outside
    the bathrooms of historic homes, but I just did so: there
    are ghosts outside bathrooms of historic homes waiting
    just for you." be the friend of this mobias strip!


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