April 9th poem

Saturday, April 09, 2011

I Hereby Give You Permission to Hypnotize Yourself

Why would anyone want to change?  Change is difference
and difference is like the pleasant feeling of a vintage rocking
sailboat when you've had too much beer and ice cream.  I'd like
to give you permission to know how to be one of the art people.
Walk into the ballroom.  Use the dessert fork for your salad.
Listen to the words of the keynote speaker.  Look at where
your hands are now.  Did you only just notice all the mirrors,
all the carnivalesque exclusion?  When the waiter nudges
your arm to get at your empty plate, make as if to start
laughing, in a whimpery sort of way.  There are conversations
you might have with secret librarian poets who win
the student scholar award.  These conversations are secret
and not for the faint of heart.  Like crows cawing in palm
trees when you leave for outside the luncheon.  Did you
know you could do that?  Pool sounds, orange-scented
water, the cawing palms.

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